The Art of Nature ~
Community Herbalism
& Botanical Explorations
The Art of Nature​
at our home in Sharpsburg, Maryland
A series in botanical medicine and nature explorations designed to open us to awe and tune us into nature's abundant gifts as you
learn herbal medicine making skills and gain confidence in identifying, foraging and cultivating plants for food and medicine.
​This is a hands-on tactile class. Come play outside! We get to use our senses, nibble things, smell them and take in the intrinsic wisdom of the forest. We will craft herbal remedies and healing concoctions with plants we building relationships with as they present themselves for harvest. ​​
We will also consider the wonder of their role in the ecosystem, what other species interact with them for sustenance and shelter and zoom out to notice their placement and environmental niche.
There is so much helpful info on the web, in books and in the classroom... but it simply can't match a walk in the woods or scent of tulsi as you harvest ~ the hum of bees or the soft breeze! Plus, I often get what I call analysis paralysis from information overload, so the aim of this class to unplug and get outside in an immersive and transformational approach.
Held at Trillium Woodland Apothecary in Sharpsburg MD
One Saturday a month from April through November 1-4
$50 per class or $300 for the series (one class free)

Restrooms, water and shelter are available on site. We will move as a group over uneven terrain so please be aware of your personal limits.
A rain date or full refund will be offered in the case of cancellation due to inclement weather.

Class Schedule 2025
​Topics for each class are listed below as a taste of the days offerings, to offer a focus amongst the wealth that will great us with each meeting of the garden. Each class will touch on botany, hands-on gardening and foraging and offer a reflective space for learning and digesting the days activities.

Woodland Wildflower Walk
April 5 ~ 1-4​
Go on a spring foraging and plant id walk while immersed in the beauty of the forest during the fleeting spring ephemeral bloom. Practice learning to id plants through observing patterns. ​​
Together we will forage and learn about incorporating plants into herbal products~
exploring teas, oils and nourishing snacks.
​Spring Greens ~ Harvest your Lawn
May 10 ~ 1-4
Meet and learn harvesting tips for Nettles, Cleavers, Violet and other spring wild spring greens and how they can support you in a deep green spring cleanse. We will harvest herbs for a cleansing spring tea and explore yummy snacks, pestos, dips and fresh salads you can prepare with an abundance of common wild greens rising up in the spring.
​​​​​​​​Summer Solstice & Honey Bees
June 28 ~ 1-4
​Harness the peak of light and its full expression through the flowers of the garden. We will harvest calendula blossoms and beeswax for golden healing balms.
And make a little collective earth art.
The Mint Family
July 12 ~ 1-4
Sooth your nervous systems, cool off, calm down, come create with the mints.
ou may be surprised to realize how many plants share this family and how wide the creative possibility is. Learn how to incorporate healing herbs into popsicles, sparklers and other summer treats. ​​
Botanical Dyes
August 9 ~ 1-4
​Wear your medicine. This class will meet and harvest plants that can be used for natural dyes.
You'll each get to dye your own cotton bandana in a natural dye baths and explore pounding techniques. We will touch on various techniques and explore a diversity of dye plants to open up new inspiration for your garden and the wealth of ways we can work with plants.​​​​​
​​​​Harvest Season & Seed Saving
October 11 ~ 1-4
We'll fold up some upcycled seed packets and grab a basket to take a woodland foraging walk to meet native fruits that are prolific this time of year. We will also consider the species that depend on them to complete their lifecycle and tune into the wider of web of reciprocity.
Share in some seed saving, woodland foraging and cooking with wild foods abundant this time of year.
Fire Cider & Herbal Oxymels
November 8 ~ 1-4
Get ready for the turn of the seasons with an immune supporting and warming batch of fire cider with locally harvested herbs, roots and warming spices. We will use locally harvested ingredients and harvest together as we discuss growing tips for the following year. Spend some time in collective community crafting as you prepare your own batch of fire cider to have on hand as winter nears.
This series complements our "in the apothecary series" held at Tonic Herb Shop where we also explore these topics and spend time indoors making herbal infusions and exploring herbal crafting more in depth, continuing to work with plants harvested during this outdoor series.
The series bring one another full circle and could be enjoyable to taken together but stand alone just fine too.
Restrooms, water and shelter are available on site. We will move as a group over uneven terraine so please be aware of your personal limits.
A rain date or full refund will be offered in the case of inclement weather
Please, feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns before deciding if you'd like to join in.