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Raw Honey

We are sold out of honey for 2024


We hope to share honey with you as the tree canopy comes into bloom late winter and the bees take flight signaling the early blooms.  We keep a few hives on our land and a few close by on friends land so the bees have plenty of wild forage and can exist in balance with all the other pollinators.  


Having a few hives on the land is a wonderful addition to our apothecary!  We use freshly harvested, raw honey in all our syrups, to sweeten our tea and we collect the beeswax to incorporate into salves and healing balms.  If you join a class at Tonic Herb Ship in the Apothecary or come here for the In the Garden Series we will likely touch on this and meet the bees up close or through the golden treasures they share. 

The Bee


And your Lord inspired the bees: “Make your homes in the mountains, the trees, and in what people construct,  and feed from the flower of any fruit you please and follow the ways your Creator has made easy for you.” From their bellies comes forth liquid of varying colours, in which there is healing for people. Surely in this is a sign for those who reflect. 


Q. 16: 68-69

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